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Sheriff Grady Judd

Welcome to the Polk County Sheriff's Office Website. We are happy to provide this site as a resource for use by members of the Polk County Sheriff's Office, the media, and the public. By following us on the Internet, you can help make Polk County a safer place to live from the comfort of your living room. Check in often. And, if you need us - call us. We will always answer the call.

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Academy Prep center
Mar 11, 2025
Polk Sheriff’s Charities do...

On behalf of Polk Sheriff's Charities, Inc., Sheriff Judd will hand over a giant check in the amou...

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Jaimelias Rivera-Rodriguez and Ethan Bork
Mar 11, 2025
Two arrested by the Polk Co...

Ethan Bork and Jaimelias Rivera-Rodriguez were arrested for phone call to school about a bomb

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always looking out for our community

Crime Stoppers

SOLVED! GreenWise theft in Lakeland

Jun 19, 2021
Media Contact :

***UPDATE: August 6th***
The second suspect, Keara Denson has also been arrested. She has been charged with Felony Petit Theft due to having prior convictions for theft.

***UPDATE: August 4th***
These two women have been identified as Marquita Hayes and Keara Denson. Marquita was arrested on August 3rd, and Ms. Denson is being sought. Apparently, champagne is not the only things these ladies like. The detective has been notified that they were possibly involved in some additional cases, and those are being investigated. 


The Polk County Sheriff's Office is investigating a retail theft which occurred at the GreenWise Market at 4747 South Florida Avenue in Lakeland on June 19th.

The suspects, pictured here, left the store without paying for four bottles of Luc Belaire Luxe champagne. 

Perhaps they were going to a party. We don't know. The deputies weren't invited. So, if you could please identify these ladies, we would like to speak with find out if our invitation got lost in the mail or something.

If you recognize them, or the black SUV which they left in, please contact Detective Ervin at 863-499-2400 (Case #21-31157).

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact Heartland Crime Stoppers:
* Call 1-800-226 TIPS (8477)
* From your cell phone, dial **TIPS
* Or visit the website and click on "Submit A Tip," * Or download the free "P3tips" app on your smartphone or tablet. 
You will always remain anonymous when you send a tip through Crime Stoppers and you are eligible for a cash reward if your information leads to an arrest.suspects and vehicle

detectives going over paperwork
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